KWINLETS Core Group Roles

KwinLETS Core Group

The Core Group are normally elected at the AGM, but in the first year of the LETS, are appointed by mutual consent. Here is a link to LETSlink's notes of guidance which describe different ways that groups can divide up the management tasks between them. The current team is as follows.

Directory Editor: responds to internal enquiries, provides support to existing members, arranges buddies, keeps directory up to date Neblina
Meeting Host and Member Support: hosts regular drop-in, refers new enquiries to application process, helps members access their account and edit their profiles
Treasurer: maintains official address for the scheme, banks cheques  
Publicity & Outreach: responds to external enquiries, liaises with local organisations, organises meetings, updates News Pages
Local Organisers are multi-taskers who answer local phone enquiries, outreach in their neighbourhoods, run social events, and enrol new members. They are supported by the core functions above. We are looking to recruit local organisers in all areas who are prepared to have their contact numbers displayed on the map. They can also cover core functions.

Administrative Support: answers phone enquiries, sets up new accounts, maintains website, core-group support and training, temporarily co-ordinates admin functions Mary
Core Group members have the authority to carry out the tasks in their job description between meetings. If they come across matters requiring a joint policy decision they will place them on the agenda for the next Core Group meeting, which will be held on a regular basis depending on the volume of business, totating around local areas. Special core group meetings or general meetings may be held if needed. Dates of all meetings are made known to members in advance.
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